Your baffle plate is in your fire to retain the heat in the Firebox and push it out into the room rather than all going up into the flue. Your baffle plate realistically should last you between five to eight years. They are designed to be replaced as they take the main force of the heat in the Firebox, so as anything under such conditions, they do need replacing over time.
Read the following instructions and view the video to learn how to replace a baffle plate.
There are two different types of Baffle Plates available at Jarrahdale Heating and Cooling. Both have a bigger front lip on them. When fitting, this large lip should always be at the front of the Firebox and pointing upwards.

Inside your Firebox you have two angles, or hangers, positioned either side of the roof of the firebox. The baffle plate sits on top of these. The baffle plate is a little bit wider than the hangers so you need to lift it up on an angle and then drop it down on top. Your baffle plate is now fitted – simple as that!
As with all of our spare parts you can buy your baffle plate directly through us here in Maddington at our Factory Direct showroom or through one of your local stockists.