Insist on an Australian Made Wood Heater for the cheapest form of home heating with the smallest eco-footprint

Wood heaters are a cost efficient and eco-friendly form of home heating compared to electricity or gas. Recently, the economical and ecological benefits of Australian made wood heaters were formally recognised with the implementation of new Australian Standards.

The 2017 standards require all domestic manufacturers of wood heaters to now comply with strict requirements regarding maximum carbon emissions and minimum efficiency levels.

In early anticipation of these standards, in 2014 Jarrahdale Heating & Cooling began the process of research and development to ensure every model in the Jarrahdale Wood Heater range would pass the emissions and efficiency testing, conducted by the Australian Home Heating Association. Due to the stringency of the new requirements, this was not a simple process, yet it was certainly a worthwhile one, with all Jarrahdale Wood Heaters gaining certification and many models surpassing the set standards.

Only a wood heater manufactured in Australia is guaranteed to meet these standards, ensuring maximum efficiency with minimal environmental impact, and only Jarrahdale Heating can offer you a wood heater made right here in Western Australia with the backing of 40 years experience.

Insist on an Australian Made Wood Heater.  Insist on a Jarrahdale.