Jarrahdale Heating & Cooling manufacture both Convection and Radiant Wood Heaters to cater to different homes.
Understanding how convection and radiant heating vary will assist you to select the perfect wood heater for your requirements.
Put simply, a convection wood heater distributes heat in a different way to a radiant wood heater. When selecting the ideal wood heater for your home it’s wise to consider which distribution method is more suitable for the size, scale and structure of the area you wish to heat. Here we explain how Convection and Radiant heating differ and the style of homes to which they are best suited.
Convection Wood Heating

As the name suggest, convection wood heaters create heat by circulating warm air around the room. Wood heaters with convection chambers include an air space that allows an almost constant circulation of air – as warm air rises it is displaced by cooler air, which then warms up from the stove and rises up to follow. This cycle creates a flow throughout the room with the hottest air pushing up to the ceiling and the warm air remaining in the lower part of the room.
Radiant Wood Heating

A Radiant Wood Heater works by releasing infrared heat directly from its outer surface onto surrounding objects. Heat shields are optional on a radiant heater, to allow for rapid heat emission. This results in more intense and localised heat transfer than a convection heater which builds heat more gradually, but soon provides even, well-distributed warmth.
Radiant Wood Heaters are recommended for homes with high ceilings or draughty/less insulated homes as they rapidly push heat out to warm the immediate living space.
As Convection Wood Heaters warm more gradually yet thoroughly, they are best suited to well-insulated homes with standard height ceilings.
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